
What's The Food For Menopause

Menopause is a necessary stage for every woman. During this long and special period of time, women will have a lot of physical abnormalities. So when women reach menopause, what food can they eat to relieve the discomfort of menopause? 1.Whole grains Such as oatmeal, brown rice and so on. This kind of cereal contains a lot of B group vitamin, aswell as a lot of mineral like magnesium, iron, zinc which helps to raise human metabolism, and relieves the discomfort. In addition, many whole grains contain soy isoflavones, which can supplement women's estrogen, making them feel more comfortable. 2.Nuts Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and usually rich in vitamin E and magnesium. It can also delay the aging and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 3.Soybeans and soy products Isoflavones in soy has certain curative effect to improve menopause discomfort. It can also prevent menopausal women osteoporosis, etc. 4.Milk and honey Milk can improve the sleep ...

Menopause Examination

1. The follicular generating hormone (FSH) rises. 2. Levels of estradiol (E2) and progesterone decreased. 3. There is no change in luteinization or hormone (LH) during menopause, and it can be increased after menopause. 4. Segmented scraping and endometrial pathological examination: endometrial tumors were excluded. 5. Pelvic ultrasound, CT and magnetic resonance examination can reveal the whole uterus and ovaries to eliminate gynecological organic diseases. Type B ultrasonography can exclude uterine and ovarian tumors, and understand the thickness of the endometrium. 6. Measure bone density, etc. to see if there is osteoporosis. The diagnosis 1. Medical history Based on clinical presentation and postmenopause. 2. Physical examination General and gynecological examinations included. Those who have not undergone gynecological examination after 3 months of reexamination must undergo reexamination. 3. Laboratory inspection Determination of hormone levels. Complication...

Menopausal Clinical Manifestations

The most typical symptoms of perimenopausal syndrome are hot flashes, mostly happens between 45 and 55 years old. And most women can have symptoms of varying severity. Some people begin to show symptoms during the transitional period of menopause, which lasts for 2 to 3 years after menopause. Postoperative perimenopausal syndrome (perimenopausal syndrome) usually occurs 2 weeks after surgery and peaks 2 months after surgery, may lasting for 2 years. 1. Menstrual changes Menstrual cycle changes are the earliest clinical symptoms in perimenopausal period, which can be divided into three types: (1) prolonged menstrual cycle, decreased menstrual volume, and finally menopause. (2) irregular menstrual cycle, prolonged menstrual period, increased menstrual volume, and even continuous bleeding, and then gradually reduced and stopped. (3) sudden cessation of menstruation, which is relatively rare. Because ovary does not have ovulation, estrogen level fluctuates, it is easy to produce endometria...

What Are the Symptoms of Menopause

Every woman has to deal with menopause. During this period, women have to deal with a lot of problems because of physical, mental and emotional abnormalities. Understanding the signs and symptoms of menopause and using the right methods to relieve and treat them can help you get through menopause. 1. Weight gain It is most likely that people in middle age and older will get into menopause if their weight rises significantly, especially the menopausal women. And belly and hip fat begins to build up. 2. Abnormal menstruation Menopausal women may have menstrual disorders, mainly manifested as irregular bleeding in the uterus, because women in this stage have begun to stop ovulation, the amount of menstruation reduced, the menstrual cycle may be more than 35 days. Some women also begin amenorrhea after menopause, as the body's ovarian synthetic hormones begin to decrease substantially. 3. Gynecological tumor Hormone levels have changed significantly during menopause, so women ...

Perimenopausal Syndrome

Perimenopausal syndrome, also known as menopause syndrome (MPS), refers to a series of disorders of autonomic nervous system mainly caused by sexual hormone fluctuation or reduction before and after menopause, accompanied by neuropsychological symptoms. Menopause can be divided into natural menopause and artificial menopause. Natural menopause refers to the exhaustion of follicles in the ovaries, or the loss of the remaining follicles in response to gonadotropin, the follicles no longer develop and secrete estrogen, cannot stimulate the growth of the endometrium, leading to menopause. Artificial menopause refers to surgical removal of bilateral ovaries or other methods to stop ovarian function, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. If the uterus is removed alone and one or both ovaries are retained, it is not considered as artificial menopause. E tiology The underlying cause of perimenopausal syndrome is ovarian failure due to physiological or pathological or surgical reasons...

What Is OTC?

Otc is the abbreviation of over the counter, i.e. over-the-counter, which means that the consumer can purchase medication directly in the pharmacy or drug store without the need for a doctor prescription. Otc was introduced in 1996. Over-the-counter medicines are shifted from prescription drugs, which are in long term application and proved to be effective, of stable quality, and safe for use by non-medical professionals. OTC(Over The Counter) over-the-counter (OTC) over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, as defined by The medical department of The ministry of health of China, are medicines that consumers buy directly from pharmacies or pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Moreover, they are medicines that can be safely used without The guidance of medical professionals, i.e., drugs that can be purchased and used without The prescription of a licensed physician or assistant physician. OTC is also classified into a class OTC and b OTC. Class a (red) can be sold in hospitals and ph...

Ovarian Function Test Paper

Ovary is an important organ of female reproductive system, its main function is to produce and excrete eggs and secrete hormones. Not only in the fertility play a decisive role, but also let women from the inside out to send out the source of youthful vitality, but now the population suffering from ovarian premature aging is getting larger and larger, so ovarian maintenance has become a compulsory course for women. In the process of ovarian maintenance, regular examination should also be done, especially for busy urban women and pregnant women. The most convenient test method is to use ovarian function test paper (FSH test paper), FSH is an important index for clinical evaluation of ovarian reserve function. Generally, basal FSH is increased, indicating decreased ovarian reserve function. Collect urine with a urine cup, and morning urine is suggested, because it can measure the highest level of FSH. (test start time: once within 2-5 days after the physiological period, and then twice b...