What Is OTC?
Otc is the abbreviation of over the counter, i.e. over-the-counter, which means that the consumer can purchase medication directly in the pharmacy or drug store without the need for a doctor prescription. Otc was introduced in 1996.
Over-the-counter medicines are shifted from prescription drugs, which are in long term application and proved to be effective, of stable quality, and safe for use by non-medical professionals.
OTC(Over The Counter) over-the-counter (OTC) over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, as defined by The medical department of The ministry of health of China, are medicines that consumers buy directly from pharmacies or pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Moreover, they are medicines that can be safely used without The guidance of medical professionals, i.e., drugs that can be purchased and used without The prescription of a licensed physician or assistant physician.
OTC is also classified into a class OTC and b OTC. Class a (red) can be sold in hospitals and pharmacies; Category b (green) can be sold in hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, hotels and other places.
In contrast to an OTC product, an RX is a drug that must be bought by a licensed physician or doctor on a prescription.
Non-prescription drugs are generally safe, effective, cheap and convenient because they do not require the guidance of a physician to take them by themselves. The relevant parties have summarized the following characteristics:
It can be use without that doctor's prescription and not under the supervision of the doctor.
The indication is the disease that the patient can judge by oneself, medicine curative effect is accurate, use convenient and safe, effective fast.
Generally, it can alleviate the discomfort of patients, reduce the initial symptoms of minor diseases or prevent their aggravation, and also reduce the confirmed symptoms or delay the development of the disease.
It does not contain toxic or addictive components and is not easy to accumulate in the body without drug resistance and low incidence of adverse reactions.
Storage under general conditions, stable quality.
The specifications of the non-prescription drugs used by different objects are different. The description is easy to understand and can be used correctly under the guidance of labels and instructions.
Characteristics of otc drugs: safe, effective, convenient and economical. Otc drugs have been tested for years and are widely accepted by consumers. The otc ovulation test of our company is of good quality. Learn more about lh home test from chemtron biotech.
Over-the-counter medicines are shifted from prescription drugs, which are in long term application and proved to be effective, of stable quality, and safe for use by non-medical professionals.
OTC(Over The Counter) over-the-counter (OTC) over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, as defined by The medical department of The ministry of health of China, are medicines that consumers buy directly from pharmacies or pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Moreover, they are medicines that can be safely used without The guidance of medical professionals, i.e., drugs that can be purchased and used without The prescription of a licensed physician or assistant physician.
OTC is also classified into a class OTC and b OTC. Class a (red) can be sold in hospitals and pharmacies; Category b (green) can be sold in hospitals, pharmacies, supermarkets, hotels and other places.
In contrast to an OTC product, an RX is a drug that must be bought by a licensed physician or doctor on a prescription.
Non-prescription drugs are generally safe, effective, cheap and convenient because they do not require the guidance of a physician to take them by themselves. The relevant parties have summarized the following characteristics:
It can be use without that doctor's prescription and not under the supervision of the doctor.
The indication is the disease that the patient can judge by oneself, medicine curative effect is accurate, use convenient and safe, effective fast.
Generally, it can alleviate the discomfort of patients, reduce the initial symptoms of minor diseases or prevent their aggravation, and also reduce the confirmed symptoms or delay the development of the disease.
It does not contain toxic or addictive components and is not easy to accumulate in the body without drug resistance and low incidence of adverse reactions.
Storage under general conditions, stable quality.
The specifications of the non-prescription drugs used by different objects are different. The description is easy to understand and can be used correctly under the guidance of labels and instructions.
Characteristics of otc drugs: safe, effective, convenient and economical. Otc drugs have been tested for years and are widely accepted by consumers. The otc ovulation test of our company is of good quality. Learn more about lh home test from chemtron biotech.