Ovarian Examination

Ovarian examination is a functional examination of the ovaries to understand ovarian function, preventing and treating ovarian disease in time.

The basal body temperature is constant. Examination of vaginal exfoliative cells shows no abnormal lesions. Cervical mucus crystallization examination, cervical mucus normal. The levels of estrogen and progesterone were normal.

Clinical significance
Abnormal results: (1) the basal body temperature measurement: progesterone makes the temperature degree of light by the temperature regulating center, so that the basal body temperature in normal menstrual cycle shows for bipolar, namely the basal body temperature of the second half of the menstrual cycle from the previous half rose 0.4 ℃ to 0.6 ℃, revealing ovarian function with ovulation and luteal formation. (2) vaginal exfoliative cell examination: observe the percentage of surface, middle and bottom cells, and the higher the percentage of surface cells shows, the higher the estrogen level was. The smear of ovarian progeria patients shows varying degrees of estrogen depression or persistent estrogen mild effects. (3) cervical mucinous crystallization examination: estrogen thins the cervical mucus, and the degree of stretching is long. With long streching, the ferrodonic crystals appear. The more obvious and thicker the ferrodonic crystals are, the more significant the effect of estrogen is. If a row of ellipsoid is seen on the smear, it is suggested that the effect of estrogen on the effect of fertility hormones. (4) determination of serum steroid hormones: the radioimmunoassay of estradiol, progesterone and testosterone. If the concentration of estrogen and progesterone is low, it indicates abnormal ovarian function or failure. High testosterone levels suggest polycystic ovary syndrome, androgenic ovarian tumors, or testicular feminization. People need to be examined: middle-aged and elderly women. 

Matters to be noticed
Unsuitable group: menstruating women. Taboo before examination: sexual intercourse is forbidden three days before examination. After 8 o 'clock the day before the physical examination, you should not eat. The examination should be 3-7 days after menstruation is clean. Cysts smaller than 5cm in diameter may be non-vegetative cysts, and most of them can disappear by themselves. However, regular follow-up is necessary. Examination requirements: relax yuorself, the examination result may cause physical and psychological burden, you should be positive, and actively cooperate with the examination. After examination regular check is a must, because it can often discover ovarian tumor in time.

Check process
The uterine cavity was expanded by means of expansion media, and the cold light source was introduced into the uterine cavity by hysteroscopy through fiber guide beam and lens, and the cervical tube, cervical inner mouth, intrauterine membrane and fallopian tube openings were observed under direct vision, so that the pathological tissues could be visually and accurately sampled and sent to the pathological examination.

Related diseases
Ovarian fibrous tissue from tumors, ovarian muscle from tumors, ovarian severe oedema, primary ovarian carcinoid syndrome, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovarian coronary cyst, ovarian intrauterine membrane-like tumors, primary ovarian chorionic cancer, follicular cyst, ovarian infertility.

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