Menopausal Clinical Manifestations

The most typical symptoms of perimenopausal syndrome are hot flashes, mostly happens between 45 and 55 years old. And most women can have symptoms of varying severity. Some people begin to show symptoms during the transitional period of menopause, which lasts for 2 to 3 years after menopause. Postoperative perimenopausal syndrome (perimenopausal syndrome) usually occurs 2 weeks after surgery and peaks 2 months after surgery, may lasting for 2 years.

1. Menstrual changes
Menstrual cycle changes are the earliest clinical symptoms in perimenopausal period, which can be divided into three types:

(1) prolonged menstrual cycle, decreased menstrual volume, and finally menopause.
(2) irregular menstrual cycle, prolonged menstrual period, increased menstrual volume, and even continuous bleeding, and then gradually reduced and stopped.
(3) sudden cessation of menstruation, which is relatively rare. Because ovary does not have ovulation, estrogen level fluctuates, it is easy to produce endometrial cancer. For abnormal bleeding, a diagnosis of curettage should be conducted to eliminate malignant changes.

2. Vasomotor symptoms
The clinical manifestations include hectic fever and sweating, which are the manifestations of unstable vasomotor function and the most prominent characteristic symptoms of perimenopausal syndrome. The heat starts in the front of the chest and flows into the head and neck, then throughout the body, with a few women confined to the head, neck and breast. In the hot area, patient may feel  scorching hotand the skin reddens, followed by explosive sweating. It lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, with a frequency of between 30 and 50 attacks per day. It is easy triggered by night or stress state. This vascular instability can take up to a year, sometimes as long as five years or more. The otc menopause test of our company is of good quality. Learn more about menopause test kit from chemtron biotech.



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