What Are the Symptoms of Menopause

Every woman has to deal with menopause. During this period, women have to deal with a lot of problems because of physical, mental and emotional abnormalities. Understanding the signs and symptoms of menopause and using the right methods to relieve and treat them can help you get through menopause.

1. Weight gain
It is most likely that people in middle age and older will get into menopause if their weight rises significantly, especially the menopausal women. And belly and hip fat begins to build up.

2. Abnormal menstruation
Menopausal women may have menstrual disorders, mainly manifested as irregular bleeding in the uterus, because women in this stage have begun to stop ovulation, the amount of menstruation reduced, the menstrual cycle may be more than 35 days. Some women also begin amenorrhea after menopause, as the body's ovarian synthetic hormones begin to decrease substantially.

3. Gynecological tumor
Hormone levels have changed significantly during menopause, so women are more likely to develop gynecological tumors, such as uterine fibroids and ovarian tumors. The otc menopause test of our company is of good quality. Learn more about home menopause test from chemtron biotech.



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